IRAL was created to be the catalyst to express the talents of the underrepresented while providing them with a professional platform no matter their skill level. IRAL’s mission is to create an environment where people can unite, experience our culture on a higher level and also show appreciation to the artist behind the arts which will provide opportunities to others where it would have not been possible before.
After a tour with an artist from Montreal in March 2019 which started in Brandon Manitoba. Neville Hamilton the band leader and owner of Yaad Vibes Promotions had a conversation with Oliver Daley owner of New Vision Artists Management who both saw a void in the entertainment industry in regards to other ethnic groups surrounding the Afro-Caribbean and Latin communities. We noticed that they were vastly under represented when it came to representing artists in a light that draws crowds, who respect their work and enjoy the type of entertainment that they can provide.
To create, produce and organize an annual International Afro Caribbean Latin Music & Arts Festival (IRAL) featuring artists from the Afro, Latin and Caribbean musical genres to show case local and international artists.
Annual International Reggae Afro Latin Music & Arts Festival (IRAL) has the following objectives:
To introduce Caribbean Latin and Afro music to Manitobans at a local and international level.
In order to promote mutual understanding, friendships and peaceful co-existence and cardinal relationships between Canadians and the Afro Latino Caribbean Community in this province.
To create awareness about social and psychological issues among immigrants and citizens.
To provide an easy pathway to unity through music and the arts.